Hard just from now


A moment ago,

I went back to saw my grandfather and grandmother with my father
in hospital,

my grandfather has diabetes that I am very worry my father and I will get
the same disease in the future.
On the other hand, my grandmother take care of my grandfather in the
hospital, too.
When I watched my grandfather I had ever known my grandfather was saw of
his foot.
For this reason, when my grandmother took grandfather’s foot is cut with a
saw by doctor, it’s shock to me.
Although I known this thing will be before, but I have ever know this day
will come to soon.
It’s let me think, we maybe need to prepare a lot of money when occur the
similar or this matter,

 so we for live to work, we for work to study,

but we study for perfunctorily teacher, it’s seems very contradiction of
During this matter, I can understand "What’s studying for myself??",

is important to living this world??"

Only for want to living, so we need to earn money,
for living happy, we do something for our like or together with our
finally, I have know I need to effort on everything, I must be learning
from now,

I will try to complement for losing before, just from now!

About 紫鏡觀語

太轟轟烈烈的人生不適合我~ 因為我是個沒膽的人,我怕心臟受不了!! 所以,我享受平淡的生活,卻也尋找一些悸動,想渴望別人的瞭解,因此,我決定要在平凡中追求感動!! 唉呀!!原來我就是這麼矛盾的人吶!!
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