It was a special day to me

Last Wednesday is a very special day, but the special were after all the classes end that day, when after the Japanese Conversation,

we still stay in school to collect all of the class of examination(test) papers when test on Japanese in the morning, after that,

 I had not went to home immediately, we together to seven floor and stay in there, but not along time ago, we seen the Mrs. Li,

(now she is our the chair of English department and English Prose Reading teacher), she pushed our to Language Center and told us,

"The TA(Teacher Assistant) say that no one went to there to find her." So, we push into there enforce by Mrs. Li, thanks to she is very nice,

I have never hate her.

Out of Language Center, we together to the Department Office, I saw the Mrs. Chen was also staying there,

and there were 孟蓉 in there to done part-time, but she seemed very free that day, and talk about with Japanese teacher,

the Japanese teacher were selected the Children of English books to her kids, we were saw a lot of color book with picture in there,

it seemed the 春蓮(they say she is spring of silly that not me talk) teacher bring to her, there were two bags in there, it too much,

so the teacher even asked us "What kind books the children will like??" so, we together no watched the books, it was very interesting.

After, we went to toilet, and they told to "where we live?" and "how  back to home?"

 I certainly say, "however, train or bus all can let me get to home."

As a result, we told to we can went to Jongli Railway Rear Station(中壢後站) together,

after the toilet, I thought we may went to home together right now, but when I back to Department Office,

 Mrs. Chen find she had something had not enter to computer, so she please me to help her enter there to computer and sent to her e-mail.

She said, I enter the Chinese is very slow, I hard to found the keys of phonetic on fingerboard.

So, I went to Language Center use computer, thanks to I had prophetic and had not close the computer at once when I finish to enter that,

otherwise I will went to cry, because it was really not sent success in first time.

So that, I try to change the mailbox of Yahoo to sent, Luckily, it was success.

After I back to Department Office, I  found the teacher and 孟蓉 is told to a senior(old boy), they are said something about computer.
When wait a minute, we started went to back, but 孟蓉 still stayed in there to told with senior, that time is after her part-time.

Undoubted, this day I went to Jongli Railway Rear Station(中壢後站) with Japanese teacher-Mr. Chen.

About 紫鏡觀語

太轟轟烈烈的人生不適合我~ 因為我是個沒膽的人,我怕心臟受不了!! 所以,我享受平淡的生活,卻也尋找一些悸動,想渴望別人的瞭解,因此,我決定要在平凡中追求感動!! 唉呀!!原來我就是這麼矛盾的人吶!!
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